I will be releasing AZIndex version 0.7.5 within the next couple of days. This is a minor bug-fix release, focusing on a few layout issues and continuing to resolve some of the national language support problems. There is still more work left to be done to get the national language support completely right with AZIndex, so don’t expect all those problems to go away just yet!
Also, after the problems with people losing their settings during a necessary upgrade of the plugin’s database table, I have greatly improved the error checking for the next time that is necessary (usually when new options are added). From now on, if the upgrade process fails because of a database error, no settings will be lost and you will be able to revert back to your previously installed version of the plugin and continued using your indexes as before.
There will be no database table upgrade when moving from v0.7.4 to v0.7.5
Important Advanced Warning for AZIndex 0.8.0
This is advanced notice of a change that will be made to AZIndex 0.8.0 (i.e. not to 0.7.5 nor any other release before 0.8.0).
Note: If you are not using the advanced option to use your own custom comparison function for sorting your indexes, then you can safely ignore this warning.
I will be making a small change to AZIndex that will almost certainly break indexes that use a Custom Comparison Function for sorting an index. For example, if you added a function to sort items numerically (which I know a couple of people have done) or to workaround problems with sorting in other languages, then you will probably have to make a minor change to your custom function.
The change you’ll need to make will be small—simply renaming a index key—but if you install AZIndex 0.8.0 without modifying your custom comparison function, next time your index needs to be sorted, it will cause error messages to appear on your public index pages.
More details of the changes you will need to make will be provided a few days before version 0.8.0 is released.